PRESS RELEASE #1: Real World Forrest Gump
PRESS RELEASE #2: Music, Nostalgia Bridges the Gap Between Life and Death
A little girl (4year old) thought “Someday I will know the truth!”
I am that little girl – and I am so very thankful the Lord put Jack and Vickie back into my life after so many years of questions with no answers! Some questions will never be answered the way we would like them to be but at least now we all know more about that “little boy” and who he became because of determination and the “Love” of the Lord.
Vickie has done a wonderful job telling the continued story about her father, and all the challenges he encountered along his life’s journey. The tragedy of losing his mother at such a young age, a father who would appear for a while and then disappear, relatives that forgot and never talked about him, and his cousins whom he was able to play with in his early years and then, they also disappeared. All these things should have broken this young boy but he was very resilient. Thru all these things, he kept going and he turned out to be a wonderful, loving, caring person to his children, grandchildren and to all who knew him!
This story definitely made me think about the life of our Armenian grandparents and how they survived tragedy, trying to escape a country being taken over by the Ottoman Empire. They left the country they loved so they and their family could be safe, they became citizens of this country, worked hard and still were persecuted in America because of their nationality. They survived and helped to make America strong. There’s a very strong message here about both situations. “No matter what the situation, or what happens in your life, if you trust in the Lord our God, He will be with you every step of the way!
I am so proud to have known and also to be related to Jack Smith. He achieved so much, touched so many people’s lives and set an example for us all to follow.
Thank you, “My Armenian Cousin” for sharing your Dad’s wonderful story!
Linda D Mason
What Became of Little Jackie Smith?: A True Story Continued (2021)
“This is a riveting book which I found difficult to put down. It chronicles the life of a child who was abandoned and often left to parent himself, and the many challenges he overcame in his quest to become a man. Despite a childhood with few consistent role models, he was a loving father, a compassionate and courageous law enforcement officer, and a devoted friend. As a therapist who has worked for many years with abused children, I am in awe of Jack’s resilience and his lifelong commitment and concern for the welfare of others. This book will serve as hope to many who wonder how to rise above and find meaning in situations that often feel overwhelming. This is a story of the resilience of the human spirit and finding faith in humanity.”
Ann C. Leber, LMFT
Ann C. LeberLMFT
I know it's early morning Sunday over there (west coast, USA). Now it's 3pm Sunday here (Jerusalem, IS). I was just passing by the post office on my way to the Holy Sepulcher, so I checked my post office box and to my surprise I got Vickie's second book, 'What Became of Little Jackie Smith?'. Please tell Jackie how much thankful I am for the book. I congratulate her for being successful in writing her second book. I wish her healthy long life to be able to write all she wants. I miss you guys, I hope that life would go back to normal, so that we can meet again. You too Glen, stay on your feet, healthy. I just lit a candle for all of you for success and happiness. Hugs and kisses, FS
Father Samuel AghoyanHoly Father, Armenian Apostolic Church, the Holy City, Jerusalem, IS
Jack Smith was described by his hometown newspaper as, 'something of an Oroville-based Forrest Gump figure...'
Chico Enterprise and Oroville Mercury News Papers
If I didn't have goosebumps, I was in tears in amazing true story.
I couldn't put the book down if I didn't have goosebumps, I was in tears in amazing true story. ReviewBOOK TWO: What Became of Little Jackie Smith?: A True Story Continued
Wonderful story about overcoming life-challenges and still becoming an example of what it means to be a human being.
Marla NakanoBOOK TWO: What Became of Little Jackie Smith?: A True Story Continued
What Became of Little Jackie Smith?: A True Story Continued (2021)
“Vickie has written an inspiring story of how her father grew from an abandoned and abused child who conquered every obstacle to become a gentleman who served his country in the military and his community as a Peace Officer, treating everyone with dignity and respect along the journey.”
Perry L. ReniffRetired Butte County Sheriff
Like any good book I didn't want it to end, seriously I didn't want it to end. Thanks for the good read.
Vickie PageBOOK TWO: What Became of Little Jackie Smith?: A True Story Continued
Victoria’s Secret: A Conspiracy of Silence (2001)
“There is a fascination with delving into ones family history—the uncovering of family secrets buried under decades of family stories disguised as truths. But his story reveals more than family secrets. It enlightens us about a culture and a people the world knows little of…”
Joyce BucklandGenealogical and Historical Society of Sacramento Valley
Victoria’s Secret: A Conspiracy of Silence (2001)
“This is a journey of discovery…you will see your parents, grandparents, and their parents in a new light.”
Howard KaloogianCalifornia State Assemblyman, 74th District
Victoria’s Secret: A Conspiracy of Silence (2001)
"…people need to tell the world what happened to our nation…you have done just that.”
Arra S. AvakianFormer Professor of Armenian Studies, California State University, Fresno
Victoria's Secret: a Conspiracy of Silence (2001)
"…a heart-wrenching remembrance of the great tragedy of the Armenian Genocide. Vickie Smith Foston brings the Great Tragedy to our attention in a way unlike any other.”
Fr. Yeghia HairabedianSt. James Armenian Church of Sacramento